Inky: I'm never good at writing stuff like this, but the way I keep thinking about it, it's like
fate brought me to SoulGeek, and SoulGeek brought us together.
Tempest: Yeah, we both just stumbled onto SoulGeek out of boredom and curiosity, we
weren't really expecting much of anything.
Inky: But what we found was beyond imagination!
Tempest: Most definitely. It's hard to really put into words what we've found, but it's so
wonderful finding someone just as into all the things l'm interested in, not to mention
cute ^^.
Inky: Y'know, I always assumed that there may have been a woman out there who was
right for me but...never actually thought there was one who was just perfect!
Tempest: We haven't gotten the chance to really be with each other as much as we'd
like (what with school and such) but we never would have been able to find each other if
it hadn't been for SoulGeek.
Inky: Best decision of my life!
~Tempest Lavalle & Inky Fry