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Our story of international romance

EyeCue: Hi, think a relationship across a few states is long? Try our story. I don't know

if we're the first or not but we'd like to share our story of international romance

(scandalous I know). We met in the chatrooms in late 07. She was the oddest most

entertaining soul l'd found in there to date (not that the rest of them aren't odd). We'd

"run into" each other in the chatrooms every week at "coincidentally" the same times. I

would swoon whenever she replied to my posts on the forums and l'd keep her profile

open, re-reading it whenever the mood took me. Then she disappeared. I got

disenchanted with SG and a year passes.

Ducky_Kissy: I joined SG mainly because I was amazed it was for real. I saw one of

the ads on a daily comic and giggled until I clicked on it. Deciding to join for amusement

(at the very least) I found myself drawn to the chatrooms. Every Thursday I would stay

up hopelessly awaiting for him to come (pathetic I know). He was such a freak, yet such

a wonderful person... Then I found myself overwhelmed in classwork, work, and a

horrifcally wrong relationship. After a summer of no internet and the end to the romantic

drama, I got back on to SoulGeek and he was gone.

In a bold move, I wrote the most time-consuming message imaginable. Re-written time

and again... "Booga booga.”

EyeCue: In that time off I too had a "wrong" relationship. I was barely 2 weeks out of it

when "booga booga" shows up in my inbox. Feeling quite flattered I replied. We

exchanged AIM details (I installed it specially for her) and we found ourselves glued to

that annoying little program for HOURS. I'd hear that "door creak" log-on noise and l'd

drop everything and dive for my computer. Soon AlM got suffocating. So we moved to

Skype. Voices alone wasn't enough so webcams were sought. I'd get up at 6am some

days just so I could talk for longer. It became pretty apparent that we were going to have

to get together somehow so I renewed my efforts to find a solution. Job hunting and

saving up what little cash I had. My grandmother sent me 20 bucks which went into the

plane fare fund. Fast forward 6 months and a 21 hour fight. She's now down here with

me, being cooked alive by the Aussie heat. We're together :) Now we're planning…

~EyeCue & Ducky_Kissy

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