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The Muses Webseries

The Muses

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Webcomics & Audio


Setting up for filming

SoulGeek TV

SoulGeek TV

The Muses Webseries

In 2014 Casey Lyn Keeney came up with the idea of creating a SoulGeek web series about, as she put it: “Geek chicks discussing all-things related to geek dating from a geek chick’s point of view”. Dino thought this was a great idea and went to work putting the show together. Entitled “The Muses”, the show would be hosted by SoulGeek’s current geek dating advice Guru and columnist Helen Gulish. Joining Helen would be SoulGeek member Ruby Coleman as well as actress & costumer Heather C. Harris. The series would be shot in the San Fernando valley at the Galaxy of Comics comic book shop, which was also home to SoulGeek’s bi-monthly Geek Singles Night Mixers. “The Muses” was planned for a season of 14 eight-minute episodes and featured as it’s theme music “I’m a Hero” courtesy of Songhammer. However, scheduling proved to be extremely difficult (particularly on the production and post side) so the season was reduced from 14 to 10 episodes. Even so, with subjects ranging from “Asking someone out”, to “Fake geek girls, to “Boundaries for geeks, “The Muses” proved to be fun to make, fun to watch, informative and well-received. So much so that a follow-up series was considered but the continuing scheduling conflicts made it too difficult to make happen. Here now are all 10 episodes plus 2 never-before-seen outtakes as well as behind-the-scenes pics and promo materials. Many Thanks to: Hellen Gulish Ruby Coleman Heather C. Harris J.M. Bell Warren Jaycox & The Galaxy of Comics

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Asking Someone Out - The Muses #001

Asking Someone Out - The Muses #001

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Safety in Dating - The Muses #002

Safety in Dating - The Muses #002

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The Friend Zone - The Muses #003

The Friend Zone - The Muses #003

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SoulGeek Web Comic

Webcomics & Audio

Webcomic banner for SoulGeek with Mascots

One of SoulGeek's original features was a Webcomics Hub. Comics were updated regularly with several exclusive to SoulGeek, most notably David Reddick’s long-running “Legend of Bill” actually premiered on the Webcomics Hub. An early supporter of SoulGeek, David would also contribute a fanciful cartoon version of the SoulGeek Mascots that would become the Hub’s primary banner. As explained in the “Story of SoulGeek” section of this Tribute Site, many community aspects of the site would later be dropped between versions of SoulGeek. The Webcomics Hub would be one of those lasting only from 2008 to 2013. And yet, one of those SoulGeek webcomics would continue on in two other forms with both connected to the site. One form was connected directly to SoulGeek before the change in 2013, while the other form was connected years later by way of SoulGeek’s creator Dino Andrade. In early 2009 when Ben Paddon mentioned his desire to see his “Jump Leads” webcomic published in graphic novel form, Dino and Ben would collaborate to make that a reality under the experimental banner of “SoulGeek Publishing”. That same year would host a booth for the very first time at San Diego Comic-con. And it was there that Ben’s book “Jump Leads Volume 1: Tales from the Flurry” debuted. Dino and Ben’s collaborative work on “Jump Leads” would continue on beyond both the graphic novel, the webcomics and even SoulGeek itself with Dino and Ben now producing (along with Ben’s wife Mandy Oquendo) a “Jump Leads” comedy audio drama series written and starring Ben, and with Dino currently also serving as a co-director and member of the cast. Those original “Jump Leads” web comics (from both the Webcomics Hub and graphic novel published under SoulGeek Publishing) as well as episodes of the current audio comedy series are still around! For your support of the SoulGeek Webcomics Hub and SoulGeek Publishing, many, many thanks to: Ben Paddon David Reddick Dirk Manning Kris Straub JEDraft Jennifer (Scraps) Vanderbeek Peter Paddon Jay Higley J.M. Bell

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“JUMP LEADS” by Ben Paddon 

Comedy Audio Drama & Original Comics


“LEGEND OF BILL” by David Reddick

Life of Bob


along with other works of Dirk Manning

Nightmare World


by Kris Straub

Starslip Frame




by Jennifer “Scraps” Walker

Where the Geeks are
SoulGeek TV

SoulGeek TV

“SoulGeekTV” was launched on YouTube January 20th, 2008. For this, SoulGeek members were encouraged to sign up and have their profiles highlighted in the upcoming show. Hosted by Dino Andrade and actress Chrisi Talyn, the concept of “SoulGeekTV” was simple enough. Dino would interview a celebrity guest with said interview then edited into 4 weekly segments. Each segment would then include Chrisi highlighting the profile of a SoulGeek member. Unfortunately, not enough members signed up to have their profiles highlighted to make the concept ultimately work as an ongoing web series. Presented here is the original premiere promo which includes a SouGeek Update in which for reasons unknown Dino mentions the upcoming Las Vegas bash as taking place at the Tropicana instead of the Star Trek Experience at the Hilton. Perhaps the Hilton had yet to be confirmed. Also presented here are promo materials, 2007 YouTube Upload specs and segment 4 (by far the most popular) of “SoulGeekTV” Episode 1 featuring special guest, voice actor Crispin Freeman. Many Thanks to: Crispin Freeman Chrisi Talyn Sage


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